Saturday, August 23, 2008

I decided to make a random post because I'm bored and don't want to write my essay!!! How is everyone!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

OK i decided that, in order to lessen confusion and save time I'm only going to post on my xanga site while I'm gone. So to read my "updates" while I'm in El Salvador just go to !!!!! See you in a year!!!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Monday, December 17, 2007


One more final today and one on Thursday and then I'm done!!! Even though having almost all of my exams on one day made for a lot of boredom, frustration and stress I think I kind of like getting all my classes over with on the first day of the week!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

My wisdom teeth are out!!! So far so good not much pain, a little light headed but all in all doing well!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

From the mouth or babes!!!

A grade school teacher in upstate New York asked her class how many of them were Hillary fans. Not really knowing what a Hillary fan was, but also wanting to be liked by the teacher, all of the students raised their hands except one boy.
The Teacher asked Johnny why he had decided to be different. Johnny said, "I'm not a Hillary fan."
The teacher then asked, "Why aren't you a Hillary fan?
Johnny replied, "Well my mom's not a Hillary fan and my dad's not a Hillary fan so I'm not a Hillary fan."
The teacher asked, "Well if your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot, what would you be?"
Johnny quickly replied, "I would be a Hillary fan."

Monday, December 3, 2007


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

So we had a lot of fun this weekend but now it's back to another week of work and school...hmmm.
Thanksgiving is coming really soon and after that Christmas and after that New Years and 3 days after that I that's kind of scary! I'm excited about this semester being over, I just wish it could end without bringing everything else with it. Oh well, life goes on!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Well, let's see an informative post...
I had a week off school so I ended up working everyday but friday and Saturday at the Holiday Inn. Than on Friday I worked at head Start all day, that was kind of fun going back and seeing all the kids again. Than today my family and I went to Glenns Falls NY to go shopping for my b-day with my grandparents.
I'm kind of feeling like I wasted the whole week. Granted I made a lot of money but I didn't do anything very productive and I didn't do anything very fun or exciting which was what I though I would do over my vacation. Oh well.
(I did get my hair trimmed!!!!)
So for anyone who did not get the memo, I am going to El Slavador for a year. I leave January 4th and I'll get back next December. It's weird to think that I will not be home or see my family or anybody for a whole year but it should be an adventure. And just to clarify it with everyone (since everyone seems to think this is my reason for going) I am not going to get married while I am down there, in fact we are not allowed to date while we are in the program!!! So please no body ask me that again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummm...So I was thinking about everything that I'll miss while I'm gone...Joshua getting his permit, Hannah getting her licence, every one's b-day, next Thanksgiving, Easter... all the little random things that happen on a day to day basis, I wont be home for my 20th b-day, the next presidential election, anniversaries, weddings, funerals... the list goes's an interesting thought.
Anyway, I'm here now!!!!!!!!!! So I would love to do something fun in the next few days if anybody can think of anything fun to do and if (maybe) I can get a day off of work next week!!!!!
There that is as informative I can get for you all!! I hope you all feel more "informed" and that this moderately long post relieves me from making another post for quite some time!!!!! : )


Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So Jed leaves friday, school starts Monday, work ends next friday and I think fall has officially begun. IT'S FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that I really mind because i love fall weather!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

well, school is coming all too fast. I need to buy books...hmm should do that.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Yes, yes, yes...ummmmm.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Well I'm home...well I've been home for a one hour it will be a week! It doesn't really feel that long. It feels like I just got home and I should be going back down any day, like this past week has just been a blur, or I was just going through the motions idk. But at the same time I sort of feel like everything that happened in El Salvador and the other countries wasn't real or it was a really, really long time ago. Yeah confusing I know but what ever.
I got home safe and sound. My trip...sorry Mr. Tripplet you would correct me if you heard me say mission was awesome. I learned a lot and I really feel like I grew spiritually and...idk emotionally/personality wise. Lol I'm not sure how to describe it. I mean I'm not "perfect" now by any means. My family can attest to that I'm sure lol! But yes, Any way I had a great time and I'm really glad I went. I would love to go back sometime. But that's in God's hands!!!! So yes there's my little "I'm home" post for all of you out there!!!!!! God bless


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Well hello everyone!! Hope life is going well for all of you! After being in El Salvador for a while our group went to work in Nicaragua for a week. It was fun and we saw tons of people give there lives to Christ!! there a couple services in particular that I will remember as long as i live. One thing that has impacted me in a hug way is the way people are sold out for God even little kids are filled with the holy spirit and trust God completely even though at home they are being abused and neglected big time. So now we are in Panama. we arrived last night and are going to go to the islands off the cost tomorrow to work with the Cona Indians. it should be an adventure!!! I miss all of you guys. I was looking at pictures last night and I was like aw i miss everybody. So yes if you want some particular people to pray for you can pray for Daniel (we met him on the bus ride to panama. he´s from London England and very messed up spiritually but we are hopping that we planted a seed in his life.) the other person i would really like people to pray for is Jose. He was one of the people i worked with last time I came down and he was really on fire for God. I met the pastor I worked with last time I came down and he was telling me where everyone was, who I had met 2 years ago. Well i found out that Jose is living up in northern Nicaragua now and his life is completely off track. He´s not a christian anymore and he´s on drugs and everything else apparently. So yes I cried when I found that out it was very discouraging.
Ummm but other than that the trip has been absolutely amazing! I love you guys lots!!! Keep our team in prayer! Hopefully we don´t get sick from eating weird food with the Indians out in the middle of no where!! God bless


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hey everyone!! El Salvador is awesome!! Thank you for your prayers. Keep praying though!! I've been told that we are working in some of the worst parts of San Salvador, but it's cool b/c we pray before we get off the bus "God protected us, but God if u want us to give our life than let us just have the courage to do it! God is good and we have seen a lot of people come to Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss all you guys and hope you guys are having a great summer!!!

Praying for you all,


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Wow only 4 more days before I leave. SCARY!!!! Time is going to fast and I feel like my lists of things to do are growing faster than I can check things off. Crazy, Crazy!

Monday, May 14, 2007

I got my plane tickets in the mail!!!

Monday, May 7, 2007

yes so how is everyone!!! I have not written in a long time

Friday, April 27, 2007

Ok so here's the plan... 7:30 tonight at my house, than we can go watch the sun set at Huberton battlefield and then have a campfire at my house!!!! Sound like a plan??? Sun sets at 7:50 tomorrow night so don't be late!!! Bring your guitar if you have one!!!!! If it rains we will...................... yeah i need some suggestions!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lol!!!!!!! people are funny!!!! They make me laugh!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Well i saw the most beautiful rainbow ever today it was a complete arch and came all the way down to the road!!! Then there was a tree across the road with electrical wires attached to it so i was afraid that i would be late for class and was kind of annoyed, then i got to school and the maintenance guy told me that there were no classes because there was no power!!!! Then on the way home my boss called and said that Head Start didn't have power so they were closed!! So basically i got the whole day off!!! yes very nice!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hey so there is this movie playing at the "Marble Mansion Inn" tonight in fair haven. I saw the short version of it and it was pretty good. So if any one's boarded, the movie is about Islamic extremists. It's very real and kind of scary. So Johnathan Wallace wanted me to let some people know that it is happening. So if anyone is interested let me know!! Marble Mansion Inn is at 12 west park place in Fair Haven. So yeah it would be cool to get a group of people together.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

I'm going to go!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

EDIT:hey this is my 20th post!!

either i'm going crazy or my car is! If you want the whole story it will be on xanga!!!

OK so moving away from the "courage debate" i have to start a new one!!!!

OK i have a debate in Government this Thursday. The topic is "May the president wiretap without a warrant to protect national security". now i know that the president doesn't personally do the wire taping so i think the title could b reworded but that's not really the point. So i'm looking for thoughts 2 use in my debate. i have 2 prove that he does not have the right 2 wire tap. Just for the record i didn't pick the debate or the side i would b on. I switched debates w/ someone b/c she wasn't going 2 b able to make it 2 this one. So yes if u have any thought or good points that would b cool. Also if anyone has any ideas as 2 what a better strategy might be, better than wire taping b/c people always ask the debtors, "well what is your solution to the problem?" So yes leave me some thoughts!!!!

P.S. there that was more than one word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Thursday, March 15, 2007

No school this week!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Home sweet home. Fun trip. Head hurts so i'm going to bed! Night all!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

And Now It's Time for...

A thought for the day...

  • If your road isn't plowed and the weather isn't so hot, it's ok to tell your boss that you can't come in to work!!

*here are some possible consequences if you don't take my amazing advice...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

So my first American government debate is tomorrow..."Do our media have a liberal bias?" So i'm hopping i do well on that. I have never formally debated before so yes!! Right now i'm working on my paper for psych class tomorrow!!! Almost done!!! Well half way but it's only 5 pages long!!! So umhmmmm...(stay awake bekah, stay awake) im doing it on the importance of a parental involvement especially the paternal. Ummm i have field experience tomorrow morning @Christ the king elementary! So that should be fun...yes i'm just randomly writing things as i think of them in between writing sentences in my paper so i think i'm going to have this be the end of my blog so that i will get more done on my paper!!! Good night all

Monday, February 26, 2007

Yes so i got a b+ on my mid-term. Not very happy b/c i got all the answers right but i spelled things wrong (i know you all are surprised b/c i never spell anything wrong!!!!!) so yes not very happy at all. I mean a paper that you hand in yes spelling is very important and if there are mistakes it should be marked wrong b/c it means you didn't reread it but on an in class essay???? arg...........

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Friday, February 16, 2007

School's out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

hmmm i had a question now i can't remember what it computer is so was something about blogspot that i wanted to do but didn't know how...oh well

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Oh so sleepy!
Well, well twenty comments, yes i promised that once it got to twenty I would make a new post so here it is people!!!! Yes so i went to Calvary Bible church today, it was nice! Than a little meal at ... i don't remember the name but they wouldn't take my debit card and the had a three leaf clover next to the word "french". Yes and then they wouldn't serve lunch food on weekends and... yes it was a lot of fun!!!!!!!!! But i have a research proposal to write so i think i'll get to that!!!!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

happy supper bowl day!!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

I just decided that i'm not going to mind if people call me Becky anymore. I still don't really like the name but you know whatever not a big deal...yes so i just thought i'd share that with you all b/c i'm board and trying to do psychology homework and not getting far. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Well, i seem to get more comments on blogspot than on xanga!!! lol idk if that's a good thing or not but it's just an observation, i'm not saying that that makes blogspot better, I still like xanga more, but yes anyway...

Sunday, January 28, 2007

ok one complaint about this little blog spot deal...well first you cant tell who has viewed your the lines in between posts should go in between posts not in the middle of them...yes that's all i can think of right now i'll work on it and let you know what else should be fix!!! Not that any of you can really do anything i just thought i would let you know, b/c i was looking at my site here and i got confused as to where one post ended and the next began...yes just thought i would share that with all of you!!! Good night all!

Another week has begun

Hohum, another week of school and work here i come...

Hiho, hiho!!!!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

very sleepy and kind of board

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The First Ever

Well, well, i had two hours in between classes and i was reading people's blogs and i decided to start a blog spot just for the heck of it. So yes i caved into peer-pressure!! Oh well.