Thursday, January 25, 2007

The First Ever

Well, well, i had two hours in between classes and i was reading people's blogs and i decided to start a blog spot just for the heck of it. So yes i caved into peer-pressure!! Oh well.


Anonymous said...

Woah!! Bekah blogspotted!!!

So, you're going into ELEMENTARY education, huh? Lol.

And, yes...I shall see you on Friday! :-)

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Boom Shocka Locka Boom Boom Boom...

So nice to have you in the family now, Bekah.

Anonymous said...

Time to add you to my blogspot!!

ELEMENTARY education?
THINKGING about teaching...?
you're a REBUBLICAN?


Sorry, that was mean. Luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.. delete that last one. I forgot I did it before, and that it had to be approved by you.

I so deserved that.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

I'll give Bekah first dibs on defending her politics and then it's lights out :-)