Sunday, February 4, 2007

happy supper bowl day!!!


Anonymous said...

And to you...Did you watch the game?

Andrew said...

I was the above Anonymous by the way....somehow I wasn't signed in.

jamin said...

Same to you....It was good to see you yesterday,and I'm sorry my directions were not the best...
And I like Bekah alot better than Becky. Hey, I never got different name. I think I'm the only one left without one.....

Bekah said...

lol caitlin doesn't have one either...i'll have to work on that! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Sometimes I feel compelled to call you "Jim", Jamin. I knew a lot of Jamie's in college and found Jim to the natural nickname for them even though it is immovably masculine.

Compelled, yes, but I've always been able to catch myself.

Andrew said...

Bekah, you mispelled bored in your last post,you have it spelled board.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Andrew, you misspelled misspelled in your last comment. You have it spelled mispelled.

jamin said...

Thank you Job......

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Anytime, Jim...

Andrew said...

I could say that I did that on purpose so as to not make Bekah feel bad. Thank you for the constructive criticism.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Haha. She goes to CSgay...what can we expect?

Bekah said...

lol you guys need to get a life!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA...Wow! That was quite the *ahem* entertaining conversation.

I like the name Becky, you are just not one of them...You are a Bekah through and through. That is a compliment, and I'm stickin' with it.

jamin said...

I agree with Bekah......

Andrew said...

CsGay, I love it! And Bekah, we have a life, it is good.

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

As we used to say back in DC: "Fo Sho!"

Bekah said...

lol yeah ok, sure you do!!!

Andrew said...

O yeah!

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said...

Let's make it...

Rocket Surgeon, Phd said... even twenty