Wednesday, February 14, 2007

hmmm i had a question now i can't remember what it computer is so was something about blogspot that i wanted to do but didn't know how...oh well


Andrew said...

It's called a senior moment Bekah, I wouldn't worry too much though,there will be alot more coming.

Anonymous said...

yes first of many!

Bekah said...

??? was that jed?????
it doesn't sound like a "jed phrase" but i can't think of anyone else who would post anonymously!

Andrew said...

Jed doesn't usually use exclamation marks.

Anonymous said...

No it wasn't me (aka anotheranonymouspersonrevealingwhoiambywhatiamsaying) and yes, I refrain from punctuation as much as posb'l (aka except, as seen, where needed)

Bekah said...

now that was jed! no doubt in my mind about that!!!