Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hey everyone!! El Salvador is awesome!! Thank you for your prayers. Keep praying though!! I've been told that we are working in some of the worst parts of San Salvador, but it's cool b/c we pray before we get off the bus "God protected us, but God if u want us to give our life than let us just have the courage to do it! God is good and we have seen a lot of people come to Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss all you guys and hope you guys are having a great summer!!!

Praying for you all,



The Ethan said...

Amazing! I can't wait to hear all about your trip! you in my prayers and your courage is um... encouraging!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kie! I miss you like absolute craziness, but I know that God has called you there this summer. My prayers are with you. Bring home lots of pictures and stories! Love you, sister! ~Citty